Source code for

from autoray import numpy as anp
from autoray import infer_backend, astype
from loguru import logger

from .base_integrator import BaseIntegrator
from .utils import _setup_integration_domain
from .rng import RNG
from .vegas_map import VEGASMap
from .vegas_stratification import VEGASStratification

[docs]class VEGAS(BaseIntegrator): """VEGAS Enhanced. Refer to . Implementation inspired by . EQ <n> refers to equation <n> in the above paper. JAX and Tensorflow are unsupported. For Tensorflow there exists a VEGAS+ implementation called VegasFlow: """ # This VEGAS+ implementation uses many indexed assignments and methods # which change member variables. To support JAX and Tensorflow with a # reasonable performance, a lot of code would need to be rewritten to be # trace-compilable, which may in turn deteriorate the performance and/or # accuracy with PyTorch. def __init__(self): super().__init__()
[docs] def integrate( self, fn, dim, N=10000, integration_domain=None, seed=None, rng=None, use_grid_improve=True, eps_rel=0, eps_abs=0, max_iterations=20, use_warmup=True, backend=None, ): """Integrates the passed function on the passed domain using VEGAS. If the integrand output is far away from zero, i.e. lies within [b, b+c] for a constant b with large absolute value and small constant c, VEGAS does not adapt well to the integrand. Shifting the integrand so that it is close to zero may improve the accuracy of the calculated integral in this case. This method does not support multi-dimensional/vectorized integrands (i.e., integrating an integrand repeatedly over a grid of points). Args: fn (func): The function to integrate over. dim (int): Dimensionality of the function's domain over which to integrate. N (int, optional): Approximate maximum number of function evaluations to use for the integration. This value can be exceeded if the vegas stratification distributes evaluations per hypercube very unevenly. Defaults to 10000. integration_domain (list, optional): Integration domain, e.g. [[-1,1],[0,1]]. Defaults to [-1,1]^dim. seed (int, optional): Random number generation seed for the sampling point creation; only set if provided. Defaults to None. rng (RNG, optional): An initialised RNG; this can be used as alternative to the seed argument and to avoid problems with integrand functions which reset PyTorch's RNG seed. use_grid_improve (bool, optional): If True, improve the vegas map after each iteration. Defaults to True. eps_rel (float, optional): Relative error to abort at. Defaults to 0. eps_abs (float, optional): Absolute error to abort at. Defaults to 0. max_iterations (int, optional): Maximum number of vegas iterations to perform. The number of performed iterations is usually lower than this value because the number of sample points per iteration increases every fifth iteration. Defaults to 20. use_warmup (bool, optional): If True, execute a warmup to initialize the vegas map. Defaults to True. backend (string, optional): Numerical backend. "jax" and "tensorflow" are unsupported. Defaults to integration_domain's backend if it is a tensor and otherwise to the backend from the latest call to set_up_backend or "torch" for backwards compatibility. Raises: ValueError: If the integration_domain or backend argument is invalid Returns: backend-specific float: Integral value """ self._check_inputs(dim=dim, N=N, integration_domain=integration_domain) logger.debug( "\n VEGAS integrating a " + str(dim) + "-dimensional fn with " + str(N) + " points over " + str(integration_domain) + "\n", ) self._dim = dim self._nr_of_fevals = 0 self._max_iterations = max_iterations self._eps_rel = eps_rel self._eps_abs = eps_abs self.use_grid_improve = use_grid_improve self.N = N # Determine the number of evaluations per iteration self._starting_N = N // (self._max_iterations + 5) self._N_increment = N // (self._max_iterations + 5) self._fn = fn integration_domain = _setup_integration_domain(dim, integration_domain, backend) self.backend = infer_backend(integration_domain) if self.backend in ["jax", "tensorflow"]: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported numerical backend: {self.backend}") self.dtype = integration_domain.dtype if rng is None: rng = RNG(backend=self.backend, seed=seed) elif seed is not None: raise ValueError("seed and rng cannot both be passed") self.rng = rng # Transform the integrand into the [0,1]^dim domain domain_starts = integration_domain[:, 0] domain_sizes = integration_domain[:, 1] - domain_starts domain_volume = def transformed_integrand(x): return fn(x * domain_sizes + domain_starts) * domain_volume self._fn = transformed_integrand # Initialize the adaptive VEGAS map, # Note that a larger number of intervals may lead to problems if only few evals are allowed # Paper section II B N_intervals = max(2, self._N_increment // 10) # for small N intervals set 2 = VEGASMap(N_intervals, self._dim, self.backend, self.dtype) # Initialize VEGAS' stratification # Paper section III self.strat = VEGASStratification( self._N_increment, dim=self._dim, rng=self.rng, backend=self.backend, dtype=self.dtype, ) logger.debug("Starting VEGAS") self.results = [] # contains integration results per iteration self.sigma2 = [] # contains variance per iteration = 0 # iteration if use_warmup: # warmup the adaptive map self._warmup_grid(5, self._starting_N // 5) # Main loop while True: = + 1 self.results.append(0) self.sigma2.append(0) # Compute current iteration acc = self._run_iteration() f"Iteration {}, Acc={acc:.4e}, Result={self.results[-1]:.4e},neval={self._nr_of_fevals}" ) if self._check_abort_conditions(): break f"Computed integral after {self._nr_of_fevals} evals was {self._get_result():.8e}." ) return self._get_result()
def _check_abort_conditions(self): """Test if VEGAS should execute more iterations or stop, and every fifth iteration reset the sample integral results and adjust the number of evaluations per iteration Returns: Bool: True iff VEGAS should abort """ # Abort only every fifth iteration if % 5 > 0: return False # Abort conditions depending on achieved errors res_abs = anp.abs(self._get_result()) err = self._get_error() chi2 = self._get_chisq() logger.debug(f"Iteration {},Chi2={chi2:.4e}") if ( err <= self._eps_rel * res_abs or err <= self._eps_abs ) and chi2 / 5.0 < 1.0: return True # Adjust number of evals if Chi square indicates instability # EQ 32 if chi2 / 5.0 < 1.0: # Use more points in the next iterations to reduce the # relative error if res_abs == 0.0: self._starting_N += self._N_increment else: acc = err / res_abs self._starting_N = min( self._starting_N + self._N_increment, int(self._starting_N * anp.sqrt(acc / (self._eps_rel + 1e-8))), ) elif chi2 / 5.0 > 1.0: # Use more points in the next iterations because of instability self._starting_N += self._N_increment # Abort if the next 5 iterations would use too many function # evaluations if self._nr_of_fevals + self._starting_N * 5 > self.N: return True # Abort if the maximum nuber of iterations is reached if + 5 > self._max_iterations: return True self.results = [] # reset sample results self.sigma2 = [] # reset sample results return False def _warmup_grid(self, warmup_N_it=5, N_samples=1000): """This function warms up the adaptive map of VEGAS over some iterations and samples. Args: warmup_N_it (int, optional): Number of warmup iterations. Defaults to 5. N_samples (int, optional): Number of samples per warmup iteration. Defaults to 1000. """ logger.debug( f"Running Map Warmup with warmup_N_it={warmup_N_it}, N_samples={N_samples}..." ) alpha_start = 0.5 # initial alpha value # TODO in the original paper this is adjusted over time self.alpha = alpha_start # Warmup logger.debug( "| Iter | N_Eval | Result | Error | Acc | Total Evals" ) for warmup_iter in range(warmup_N_it): self.results.append(0) self.sigma2.append(0) jf = 0 # jacobians * function jf2 = 0 # Sample points yrnd and transformed sample points x # Multiplying by 0.99999999 as the edge case of y=1 leads to an error yrnd = ( self.rng.uniform(size=[N_samples, self._dim], dtype=self.dtype) * 0.999999 ) x = f_eval = self._eval(x).squeeze() jac = jf_vec = f_eval * jac jf_vec2 = jf_vec**2 if self.backend == "torch": jf_vec2 = jf_vec2.detach(), jf_vec2) # update map weights jf = jf_vec.sum() jf2 = jf_vec2.sum() ih = jf / N_samples # integral in this step sig2 = jf2 / N_samples - pow(jf / N_samples, 2) # estimated variance if self.backend == "torch": sig2 = sig2.detach() # Sometimes rounding errors produce negative values very close to 0 sig2 = anp.abs(sig2) self.results[-1] += ih # store results self.sigma2[-1] += sig2 / N_samples # store results # adapt the map # Estimate an accuracy for the logging acc = anp.sqrt(self.sigma2[-1]) if self.results[-1] != 0.0: acc = acc / anp.abs(self.results[-1]) logger.debug( f"|\t{warmup_iter}| {N_samples}| {self.results[-1]:5e} | {self.sigma2[-1]:5e} | {acc:4e}%| {self._nr_of_fevals}" ) self.results.clear() self.sigma2.clear() def _run_iteration(self): """Runs one iteration of VEGAS including stratification and updates the VEGAS map if use_grid_improve is set. Returns: backend-specific float: Estimated accuracy. """ neval = self.strat.get_NH(self._starting_N) # Evals per strat cube # Stratified sampling points y and transformed sample points x y = self.strat.get_Y(neval) x = # transform, EQ 8+9 # Evaluate the integrand and remember the number of evaluations f_eval = self._eval(x).squeeze() jac = # compute jacobian jf_vec = f_eval * jac # precompute product once jf_vec2 = jf_vec**2 if self.backend == "torch": jf_vec2 = jf_vec2.detach() if self.use_grid_improve: # if adaptive map is used, acc weight, jf_vec2) # EQ 25 jf, jf2 = self.strat.accumulate_weight(neval, jf_vec) # update strat neval_inverse = 1.0 / astype(neval, y.dtype) ih = jf * (neval_inverse * self.strat.V_cubes) # Compute integral per cube # Collect results sig2 = jf2 * neval_inverse * (self.strat.V_cubes**2) - pow(ih, 2) if self.backend == "torch": sig2 = sig2.detach() # Sometimes rounding errors produce negative values very close to 0 sig2 = anp.abs(sig2) self.results[-1] = ih.sum() # store results self.sigma2[-1] = (sig2 * neval_inverse).sum() if self.use_grid_improve: # if on, update adaptive map logger.debug("Running grid improvement") self.strat.update_DH() # update stratification # Estimate an accuracy for the logging acc = anp.sqrt(self.sigma2[-1]) if self.results[-1] != 0.0: acc = acc / anp.abs(self.results[-1]) return acc # Helper funcs def _get_result(self): """Computes mean of results to estimate integral, EQ 30. Returns: backend-specific float: Estimated integral. """ if any(sig2 == 0.0 for sig2 in self.sigma2): # If at least one variance is 0, return the mean result res = sum(self.results) / len(self.results) else: res_num = sum(res / sig2 for res, sig2 in zip(self.results, self.sigma2)) res_den = sum(1.0 / sig2 for sig2 in self.sigma2) res = res_num / res_den if self.backend == "numpy" and res.dtype != self.results[0].dtype: # NumPy automatically casts float32 to float64 in the above # calculations res = astype(res, self.results[0].dtype) return res def _get_error(self): """Estimates error from variance , EQ 31. Returns: backend-specific float: Estimated error. """ # Skip variances which are zero and return a backend-specific float res = sum(1.0 / sig2 for sig2 in self.sigma2 if sig2 != 0.0) return self.sigma2[0] if res == 0 else 1.0 / anp.sqrt(res) def _get_chisq(self): """Computes chi square from estimated integral and variance, EQ 32. Returns: backend-specific float: Chi squared. """ I_final = self._get_result() return sum( ( (res - I_final) ** 2 / sig2 for res, sig2 in zip(self.results, self.sigma2) if res != I_final ), start=self.results[0] * 0.0, )