Getting started

This is a brief introduction on how to set up torchquad.


torchquad is built with

  • autoray, which means the implemented quadrature supports NumPy and can be used for machine learning with modules such as PyTorch, JAX and Tensorflow, where it is fully differentiable

  • conda, which will take care of all requirements for you

We recommend using conda, especially if you want to utilize the GPU. With PyTorch it will automatically set up CUDA and the cudatoolkit for you, for example. Note that torchquad also works on the CPU; however, it is optimized for GPU usage. torchquad’s GPU support is tested only on NVIDIA cards with CUDA. We are investigating future support for AMD cards through ROCm.

For a detailed list of required packages and packages for numerical backends, please refer to the conda environment files environment.yml and environment_all_backends.yml. torchquad has been tested with JAX 0.2.25, NumPy 1.19.5, PyTorch 1.10.0 and Tensorflow 2.7.0; other versions of the backends should work as well.


First, we must make sure we have torchquad installed. The easiest way to do this is simply to

conda install torchquad -c conda-forge

Alternatively, it is also possible to use

pip install torchquad

The PyTorch backend with CUDA support can be installed with

conda install "cudatoolkit>=11.1" "pytorch>=1.9=*cuda*" -c conda-forge -c pytorch

Note that since PyTorch is not yet on conda-forge for Windows, we have explicitly included it here using -c pytorch. Note also that installing PyTorch with pip may not set it up with CUDA support. Therefore, we recommend to use conda.

Here are installation instructions for other numerical backends:

conda install "tensorflow>=2.6.0=cuda*" -c conda-forge
pip install "jax[cuda]>=0.2.22" --find-links # linux only
conda install "numpy>=1.19.5" -c conda-forge

More installation instructions for numerical backends can be found in environment_all_backends.yml and at the backend documentations, for example, and, and often there are multiple ways to install them.


Now you are ready to use torchquad. A brief example of how torchquad can be used to compute a simple integral can be found on our GitHub. For a more thorough introduction, please refer to the tutorial.