Source code for torchquad.integration.rng

from autoray import numpy as anp
from autoray import get_dtype_name

[docs]class RNG: """ A random number generator helper class for multiple numerical backends Notes: - The seed argument may behave differently in different versions of a numerical backend and when using GPU instead of CPU - - - Only the Philox RNG guarantees consistent behaviour in Tensorflow. - Often uniform random numbers are generated in [0, 1) instead of [0, 1]. - numpy: random() is in [0, 1) and uniform() in [0, 1] - JAX: uniform() is in [0, 1) - torch: rand() is in [0, 1) - tensorflow: uniform() is in [0, 1) """ def __init__(self, backend, seed=None, torch_save_state=False): """Initialize a RNG which can be seeded. An initialized RNG maintains a local PRNG state with JAX, Tensorflow and NumPy, and PyTorch if torch_save_state is True. Args: backend (string): Numerical backend, e.g. "torch". seed (int or None, optional): Random number generation seed. If set to None, the RNG is seeded randomly. Defaults to None. torch_save_state (Bool, optional): If True, maintain a separate RNG state for PyTorch. This argument can be helpful to avoid problems with integrand functions which set PyTorch's RNG seed. Unused unless backend is "torch". Defaults to False. Returns: An object whose "uniform" method generates uniform random numbers for the given backend """ if backend == "numpy": import numpy as np self._rng = np.random.default_rng(seed) self.uniform = lambda size, dtype: self._rng.random(size=size, dtype=dtype) elif backend == "torch": self._set_torch_uniform(seed, torch_save_state) elif backend == "jax": from jax.random import PRNGKey, split, uniform if seed is None: # Generate a random seed; copied from autoray: # from random import SystemRandom seed = SystemRandom().randint(-(2**63), 2**63 - 1) self._jax_key = PRNGKey(seed) def uniform_func(size, dtype): self._jax_key, subkey = split(self._jax_key) return uniform(subkey, shape=size, dtype=dtype) self.uniform = uniform_func elif backend == "tensorflow": import tensorflow as tf if seed is None: self._rng = tf.random.Generator.from_non_deterministic_state() else: self._rng = tf.random.Generator.from_seed(seed) self.uniform = lambda size, dtype: self._rng.uniform( shape=size, dtype=dtype ) else: if seed is not None: anp.random.seed(seed, like=backend) self._backend = backend self.uniform = lambda size, dtype: anp.random.uniform( size=size, dtype=get_dtype_name(dtype), like=self._backend ) def _set_torch_uniform(self, seed, save_state): """Set self.uniform to generate random numbers with PyTorch Args: seed (int or None): Random number generation seed. If set to None, the RNG is seeded randomly. save_state (Bool): If True, maintain a separate RNG state. """ import torch if save_state: # Set and restore the global RNG state before and after # generating random numbers if torch.cuda.is_initialized(): # RNG state functions for the current CUDA device get_state = torch.cuda.get_rng_state set_state = torch.cuda.set_rng_state else: # RNG state functions for the Host get_state = torch.get_rng_state set_state = torch.set_rng_state previous_rng_state = get_state() if seed is None: torch.random.seed() else: torch.random.manual_seed(seed) self._rng_state = get_state() set_state(previous_rng_state) def uniform_func(size, dtype): # Swap the state previous_rng_state = get_state() set_state(self._rng_state) # Generate numbers random_values = torch.rand(size=size, dtype=dtype) # Swap the state back self._rng_state = get_state() set_state(previous_rng_state) return random_values self.uniform = uniform_func else: # Use the global RNG state for random number generation if seed is None: torch.random.seed() else: torch.random.manual_seed(seed) self.uniform = lambda size, dtype: torch.rand(size=size, dtype=dtype)
[docs] def uniform(self, size, dtype): """Generate uniform random numbers in [0, 1) for the given numerical backend. This function is backend-specific; its definitions are in the constructor. Args: size (list): The shape of the generated numbers tensor dtype (backend dtype): The dtype for the numbers, e.g. torch.float32 Returns: backend tensor: A tensor with random values for the given numerical backend """ pass
[docs] def jax_get_key(self): """ Get the current PRNGKey. This function is needed for non-determinism when JIT-compiling with JAX. """ return self._jax_key
[docs] def jax_set_key(self, key): """ Set the PRNGKey. This function is needed for non-determinism when JIT-compiling with JAX. """ self._jax_key = key