Source code for torchquad.integration.integration_grid

from autoray import numpy as anp
from autoray import infer_backend, astype, to_backend_dtype
from time import perf_counter
from loguru import logger

from .utils import (

def grid_func(integration_domain, N, requires_grad=False, backend=None):
    a = integration_domain[0]
    b = integration_domain[1]
    return _linspace_with_grads(a, b, N, requires_grad=requires_grad)

[docs]class IntegrationGrid: """This class is used to store the integration grid for methods like Trapezoid or Simpsons, which require a grid.""" points = None # integration points h = None # mesh width _N = None # number of mesh points _dim = None # dimensionality of the grid _runtime = None # runtime for the creation of the integration grid def __init__( self, N, integration_domain, grid_func=grid_func, disable_integration_domain_check=False, ): """Creates an integration grid of N points in the passed domain. Dimension will be len(integration_domain) Args: N (int): Total desired number of points in the grid (will take next lower root depending on dim) integration_domain (list or backend tensor): Domain to choose points in, e.g. [[-1,1],[0,1]]. It also determines the numerical backend (if it is a list, the backend is "torch"). grid_func (function): function for generating a grid of points over which to integrate (arguments: integration_domain, N, requires_grad, backend) disable_integration_domain_check (bool): Disbaling integration domain checks (default False) """ start = perf_counter() self._check_inputs(N, integration_domain, disable_integration_domain_check) backend = infer_backend(integration_domain) if backend == "builtins": backend = "torch" integration_domain = _setup_integration_domain( len(integration_domain), integration_domain, backend=backend ) else: # Convert the grid domain to float64 if it was int32/64 # will cause problems otherwise as in issue #180 if "int" in str(integration_domain.dtype): dtype = to_backend_dtype("float64", like=backend) integration_domain = astype(integration_domain, dtype) self._dim = integration_domain.shape[0] # TODO Add that N can be different for each dimension # A rounding error occurs for certain numbers with certain powers, # e.g. (4**3)**(1/3) = 3.99999... Because int() floors the number, # i.e. int(3.99999...) -> 3, a little error term is useful self._N = int(N ** (1.0 / self._dim) + 1e-8) # convert to points per dim logger.opt(lazy=True).debug( "Creating {dim}-dimensional integration grid with {N} points over {dom}", dim=lambda: str(self._dim), N=lambda: str(N), dom=lambda: str(integration_domain), ) # Check if domain requires gradient if hasattr(integration_domain, "requires_grad"): requires_grad = integration_domain.requires_grad else: requires_grad = False grid_1d = [] # Determine for each dimension grid points and mesh width for dim in range(self._dim): grid_1d.append( grid_func( integration_domain[dim], self._N, requires_grad=requires_grad, backend=backend, ) ) self.h = anp.stack( [grid_1d[dim][1] - grid_1d[dim][0] for dim in range(self._dim)], like=integration_domain, ) logger.opt(lazy=True).debug("Grid mesh width is {h}", h=lambda: str(self.h)) # Get grid points points = anp.meshgrid(*grid_1d) self.points = anp.stack( [mg.ravel() for mg in points], axis=1, like=integration_domain )"Integration grid created.") self._runtime = perf_counter() - start def _check_inputs(self, N, integration_domain, disable_integration_domain_check): """Used to check input validity""" logger.debug("Checking inputs to IntegrationGrid.") if disable_integration_domain_check: dim = len(integration_domain) else: dim = _check_integration_domain(integration_domain) if N < 2: raise ValueError("N has to be > 1.") if N ** (1.0 / dim) < 2: raise ValueError( "Cannot create a ", dim, "-dimensional grid with ", N, " points. Too few points per dimension.", )