Source code for torchquad.integration.grid_integrator

from loguru import logger
from autoray import numpy as anp, infer_backend

from .base_integrator import BaseIntegrator
from .integration_grid import IntegrationGrid
from .utils import (

[docs]class GridIntegrator(BaseIntegrator): """The abstract integrator that grid-like integrators (Newton-Cotes and Gaussian) integrators inherit from""" def __init__(self): super().__init__() @property def _grid_func(self): def f(integration_domain, N, requires_grad=False, backend=None): a = integration_domain[0] b = integration_domain[1] return _linspace_with_grads(a, b, N, requires_grad=requires_grad) return f def _weights(self, N, dim, backend, requires_grad=False): return None
[docs] def integrate(self, fn, dim, N, integration_domain, backend): """Integrate the passed function on the passed domain using a Composite Newton Cotes rule. The argument meanings are explained in the sub-classes. Returns: float: integral value """ # If N is None, use the minimal required number of points per dimension if N is None: N = self._get_minimal_N(dim) integration_domain = _setup_integration_domain(dim, integration_domain, backend) backend = infer_backend(integration_domain) self._check_inputs(dim=dim, N=N, integration_domain=integration_domain) grid_points, hs, n_per_dim = self.calculate_grid(N, integration_domain) logger.debug("Evaluating integrand on the grid.") function_values, num_points = self.evaluate_integrand( fn, grid_points, weights=self._weights(n_per_dim, dim, backend) ) self._nr_of_fevals = num_points return self.calculate_result( function_values, dim, n_per_dim, hs, integration_domain )
@expand_func_values_and_squeeze_integral def calculate_result(self, function_values, dim, n_per_dim, hs, integration_domain): """Apply the "composite rule" to calculate a result from the evaluated integrand. Args: function_values (backend tensor): Output of the integrand dim (int): Dimensionality n_per_dim (int): Number of grid slices per dimension hs (backend tensor): Distances between grid slices for each dimension Returns: backend tensor: Quadrature result """ # Reshape the output to be [integrand_dim,N,N,...] points instead of [integrand_dim,dim*N] points integrand_shape = function_values.shape[1:] dim_shape = [n_per_dim] * dim new_shape = [*integrand_shape, *dim_shape] # We need to use einsum instead of just reshape here because reshape does not move the axis - it only reshapes. # So the first line generates a character string for einsum, followed by moving the first dimension i.e `dim*N` # to the end. Finally we reshape the resulting object so that instead of the last dimension being `dim*N`, it is # `N,N,...` as desired. einsum = "".join( [chr(i + 65) for i in range(len(function_values.shape))] ) # chr(i + 65) generates an alphabetical character reshaped_function_values = anp.einsum( f"{einsum}->{einsum[1:]}{einsum[0]}", function_values ) reshaped_function_values = reshaped_function_values.reshape(new_shape) assert new_shape == list( reshaped_function_values.shape ), f"reshaping produced shape {reshaped_function_values.shape}, expected shape was {new_shape}" logger.debug("Computing areas.") result = self._apply_composite_rule( reshaped_function_values, dim, hs, integration_domain ) logger.opt(lazy=True).info( "Computed integral: {result}", result=lambda: str(result) ) return result
[docs] def calculate_grid( self, N, integration_domain, disable_integration_domain_check=False, ): """Calculate grid points, widths and N per dim Args: N (int): Number of points integration_domain (backend tensor): Integration domain disable_integration_domain_check (bool): Disbaling integration domain checks (default False) Returns: backend tensor: Grid points backend tensor: Grid widths int: Number of grid slices per dimension """ N = self._adjust_N(dim=integration_domain.shape[0], N=N) # Log with lazy to avoid redundant synchronisations with certain # backends logger.opt(lazy=True).debug( "Creating a grid for {name} to integrate a function with {N} points over {d}.", name=lambda: type(self).__name__, N=lambda: str(N), d=lambda: str(integration_domain), ) # Create grid and assemble evaluation points grid = IntegrationGrid( N, integration_domain, self._grid_func, disable_integration_domain_check ) return grid.points, grid.h, grid._N
@staticmethod def _adjust_N(dim, N): # Nothing to do by default return N
[docs] def get_jit_compiled_integrate( self, dim, N=None, integration_domain=None, backend=None ): """Create an integrate function where the performance-relevant steps except the integrand evaluation are JIT compiled. Use this method only if the integrand cannot be compiled. The compilation happens when the function is executed the first time. With PyTorch, return values of different integrands passed to the compiled function must all have the same format, e.g. precision. Args: dim (int): Dimensionality of the integration domain. N (int, optional): Total number of sample points to use for the integration. See the integrate method documentation for more details. integration_domain (list or backend tensor, optional): Integration domain, e.g. [[-1,1],[0,1]]. Defaults to [-1,1]^dim. It can also determine the numerical backend. backend (string, optional): Numerical backend. Defaults to integration_domain's backend if it is a tensor and otherwise to the backend from the latest call to set_up_backend or "torch" for backwards compatibility. Returns: function(fn, integration_domain): JIT compiled integrate function where all parameters except the integrand and domain are fixed """ # If N is None, use the minimal required number of points per dimension if N is None: N = self._get_minimal_N(dim) integration_domain = _setup_integration_domain(dim, integration_domain, backend) self._check_inputs(dim=dim, N=N, integration_domain=integration_domain) backend = infer_backend(integration_domain) if backend in ["tensorflow", "jax"]: # Tensorflow and JAX automatically recompile functions if # the parameters change if backend == "tensorflow": if not hasattr(self, "_tf_jit_calculate_grid"): import tensorflow as tf self._tf_jit_calculate_grid = tf.function( self.calculate_grid, jit_compile=True ) self._tf_jit_calculate_result = tf.function( self.calculate_result, jit_compile=True ) jit_calculate_grid = self._tf_jit_calculate_grid jit_calculate_result = self._tf_jit_calculate_result elif backend == "jax": if not hasattr(self, "_jax_jit_calculate_grid"): import jax self._jax_jit_calculate_grid = jax.jit( self.calculate_grid, static_argnames=["N"] ) self._jax_jit_calculate_result = jax.jit( self.calculate_result, static_argnums=( 1, 2, ), # dim and n_per_dim ) jit_calculate_grid = self._jax_jit_calculate_grid jit_calculate_result = self._jax_jit_calculate_result def compiled_integrate(fn, integration_domain): grid_points, hs, n_per_dim = jit_calculate_grid(N, integration_domain) function_values, _ = self.evaluate_integrand( fn, grid_points, weights=self._weights(n_per_dim, dim, backend) ) return jit_calculate_result( function_values, dim, int(n_per_dim), hs, integration_domain ) return compiled_integrate elif backend == "torch": # Torch requires explicit tracing with example inputs. def do_compile(example_integrand): import torch # Define traceable first and third steps def step1(integration_domain): grid_points, hs, n_per_dim = self.calculate_grid( N, integration_domain ) return ( grid_points, hs, torch.Tensor([n_per_dim]), ) # n_per_dim is constant dim = int(integration_domain.shape[0]) def step3(function_values, hs, integration_domain): return self.calculate_result( function_values, dim, n_per_dim, hs, integration_domain ) # Trace the first step step1 = torch.jit.trace(step1, (integration_domain,)) # Get example input for the third step grid_points, hs, n_per_dim = step1(integration_domain) n_per_dim = int(n_per_dim) function_values, _ = self.evaluate_integrand( example_integrand, grid_points, weights=self._weights(n_per_dim, dim, backend), ) # Trace the third step # Avoid the warnings about a .grad attribute access of a # non-leaf Tensor if hs.requires_grad: hs = hs.detach() hs.requires_grad = True if function_values.requires_grad: function_values = function_values.detach() function_values.requires_grad = True step3 = torch.jit.trace( step3, (function_values, hs, integration_domain) ) # Define a compiled integrate function def compiled_integrate(fn, integration_domain): grid_points, hs, _ = step1(integration_domain) function_values, _ = self.evaluate_integrand( fn, grid_points, weights=self._weights(n_per_dim, dim, backend) ) result = step3(function_values, hs, integration_domain) return result return compiled_integrate # Do the compilation when the returned function is executed the # first time compiled_func = [None] def lazy_compiled_integrate(fn, integration_domain): if compiled_func[0] is None: compiled_func[0] = do_compile(fn) return compiled_func[0](fn, integration_domain) return lazy_compiled_integrate raise ValueError(f"Compilation not implemented for backend {backend}")